Assess your neurological health and find a care plan that is specific to you

Brain Health Coaching
At The Mind Connection, we believe in starting with natural solutions for improving brain and mental health. It has been shown in brain scans that long-term use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs can have toxic effects on the brain.
We are Dr. Amen Certified Brain Health Practitioners and can help you to determine how your brain is functioning, what brain systems are affected, and more, so that we can recommend the appropriate supplements to give your brain what it needs to perform at its best. Diagnosed with ADD? We can find out which type of ADD (out of the 7 types) you have and target the correct brain system to improve your symptoms. Memory issues? Let us help you improve your brain health today and delay the onset of Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Brain injury or concussion? Let us help you heal your brain with a combination of IASIS MicroCurrent Neurofeedback and brain healthy supplements targeted to your brain.
Every brain is different! Our comprehensive questionnaires are designed by Dr. Amen and are based on the thousands of brain scans he has performed and evaluated. We offer Dr. Amen's specially formulated BrainMD supplements as well as other natural, organic and non-toxic solutions.
We're Certified Brain Health Professionals!
Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Professionals receive in-depth training on a multitude of conditions ranging from ADD/ADHD, anxiety, depression, memory issues, mood disorders, brain trauma, sleep disorders, weight issues, and so much more.
Check out some of Dr. Amen's specially formulated remedies
Click to view Brain Health Supplements
Want more thorough understanding of your brain's health?

What happens in a Brain Health Coaching Session?
Your first session will include going over the results of the tests and questionnaires to learn all about your brain. We will recommend any appropriate supplements that will support your brain health and discuss other specific ways to improve your brain and mental health, such as exercise, diet, MicroCurrent Neurofeedback, meditation and more. We will track progress using Creyos Cognitive Brain Health Assessments as we move through your treatment plan, as well as monitoring your physical and mental symptoms. As Brain Health Practitioners, we are here to support you with accountability, recommendations and our expertise. We believe that mental health = brain health….healthy brains make for better mental health.
Questionnaires include: General Brain Health, Brain Systems, Dementia Risk, ADD Subtyping, Anxiety and Depression SubTyping, Hormones (Male and Female), Learning Disablilites and more.